How To Be Successful In Life
How to be successful in life ? Drum roll.... Is to reprogram your mind that you are ALREADY successful! How can that be ? Because God the creator said so ... Do you want to know more ? Read on ..Know the a truth and stop believing the lie ... If you think you will never be a success then you never will read on . Father God Loves ❤️You Unconditionally not based on your actions but because of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Not because of your obedience but on the Perfect Obedience of Jesus . People think breaking the Ten commandments (Sin) is only if you murder , commit adultery, steal etc... before you stop reading please read on till the end , it is not what it seems . But... there is much more to it than that ... if you lie even a white lie is a sin , if you think of a woman or man in a lustful way is a sin , if you over indulge yourself in anything it is sin , if you don’t love your neighbor as yourself it is a sin , if you get angry and disr...