Conceive And Be Pregnant Through Christ Who Strengthens & Empowers You

Jesus Himself is revealed as the answer in us to all God’s demands including to 
Go forth be fruitful and multiply !
“Of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption” (1 Cor. 1: 30). 

We ought to do everything with the consciousness of us being “in Christ .”Go back now to make love to your husband , but this time, before you go speak with Father God say...

“Father God, it is clear to me at last that in MYSELF I cannot be Fertile , Fruitful and Conceive at all; BUT I know now that there is a life within me, the life of your Son, and that the law of that life is to be Fertile,Fruitful,Conceive and bring forth new Life .It cannot but “Go Forth Be Fruitful And Multiply “ bringing forth healthy babies for your Glory.” 

“NOW There is no need to exert yourself. Repose , Rest in Him. Count upon His life, His Strength,His Ability,His Fertility,His Fruitfulness. Dare  to go and meet with your husband and make love to him , enjoying him , not just schedule sex ; But as you are , always REST in Jesus in HIS Power to Conceive In you at anytime ( not based on your control freak , limited thinking ovulation cycle calendar). 

Then there is an amazing thing that occurs! 
I declare in Jesus Name Conception,Fertilization,Through His Strength & Ability In YOU. 

No Self- Effort .. Only Your Believe & Trust In Him .This is exercising faith effortlessly. 

The operation of His life , His Strength, His Ability,His Fertility, His Fruitfulness in us is in a true sense spontaneous, that is to say, it is without effort of ours. The all-important rule is not to “TRY” but to “ TRUST” not to depend upon our own strength, fertility, fruitfulness, but upon His. For it is the flow of life which reveals what we truly are “in Christ.” It is from the Fountain of Life that the sweet water issues.

Check out this powerful fruit of the womb declaration and prayer video


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