You Are Already Fertile And Fruitful Now !

 Are you one of many women that are hoping to be fruitful, fertile in the future? Are you wait for “God’s perfect timing “ when The Truth is Father God says we are Already Fruitful , Fertile , Prosperous and the Appointed time is NOW in Christ by faith . 

~ Psalm ~ 102:13 

“You will arise and have compassion on Zion ( The daughters of God) for it is time to show favor to her- the appointed time has come”

Many are waiting for God to answer ..when God is waiting for you to believe that He Already has through His Son’s Finish Work on the Cross. It is Finished . Under the Old Covenant the Israelites where looking to the future for God to fulfill the Promise .

 But we are under the New Covenant through the Blood Of Jesus in which God has Already fulfilled the Promises! 

This the Gospel ( Good News) . So no more waiting ,only RECEIVING by exercising faith that is is already done . 

Your set time is Now ! Believe In Jesus’s Finished Worked . He has Already Paid The Price for you to be a fertile , fruitful joyful, mother of many children. ...

Leviticus 26:9 

“'And I have turned unto you, and have made you fruitful, and have multiplied you, and have established My covenant with you;”

The above scriptures are the Truth about you NOW ! Faith believes that is not revealed by the five senses . So look beyond your five senses and believe you are Already complete in Christ. 


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