The Spirit Of God In You Will Quicken Your Womb To Conceive !

The Lord had me be in consecration with Him offline focusing and Soaking in His Presence . I have been continuing to continue in praying in the Spirit, and the Lord gave me deeper and deeper revelation and attention on : 
~Romans 8:11 ~
“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.”

He was bringing me back to really being conscious and focused on His Holy Spirit in us . He is our Strength , Our Helper , Our Power to heal , Our Miracle working Power , by acknowledging His presence in us and depending on Him in us His Power in us can go to work. Many times many don’t see His  supernatural Help because we don’t turn to Him , we don’t Completely depend on Him in us. Unfortunately We try to fix things ourselves or seek help outside of Him .This can cause nervousness ,anxiety and fear. Unfortunately when we are so anxious and fearful we are taking our eyes off The Holy Spirit in us and the problem seems bigger than The Holy Spirit in us, in every area in our lives . He also led me to : 

~1 John 4:4 ~
“You are of God little children and have Overcome them cause Greater Is He that is in you than he that is in the world. 

 He brought these scriptures to remembrance because it was on these scriptures I was meditating on when I conceived and got pregnant with my miracle pregnancy! 
As I meditated on these Truths again, and declared His Word , He revealed that I can release His Power to flow into my body by acknowledging His Spirit within me. I began thanking Him for His Presence, thanking Him for His Supernatural Help and Ability  working in me . Almost immediately the manifested presence of the Lord overtook me and I felt the Holy Spirit Presence as I have never felt before, My body was trembling , shaking , the love of I felt the love 💕 of God  surroundings me . Tears of joy and peace just invaded me .I can understand that scripture where Paul says  in the word to “ stir up the Gift” within you . Then I heard Him say in my Spirit, “ you see I am Always here, ready and willing to Help you when you acknowledge and are conscious of me . Then I fell into a deep peaceful sleep for about 1 hour. Hallelujah. 
I awoke refreshed as if I went on a month vacation. He is indeed our REST. So mommies the Lord wants me to remind and share this with you , to look inward and recognize that Jesus through the Holy Spirit In you right NOW to do whatever you need Him to manifest of the blessings we already have ., 
He is our God 
Our Shepard  
Our Provider 
Our Deliverer 
Our Helper 
Our Healer 
Our Miracle Worker 
Our Fertility 
Our Everything !

Please check out powerful truths regarding the fruit of the womb in this video :


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